← Back to changelogs overviewYoast SEO 3.5
- Adds Flesch Reading tests for Dutch and German.
- Added info about author links in theme to disable setting on archives settings page.
- Explicitly checks for public post type status when creating sitemap.
- Removes frequency and priority from sitemap, see release post for clarification.
- Improves sitemap "blocking files" notification.
- Improves sitemap generation for posts when dealing with a large number of posts.
- Improves reliability in some PHP configurations.
- Improves styling for notices below tabs.
- Adds @id fields to JSON LD output.
- Adds table headings and labels to the bulk editor.
- Improves the accessibility of the bulk editor.
- Prevented loading the network admin when not network active.
- Don't show keyword filter in post list when keyword analysis is disabled.
- Improves message for settings import.
- Adds translations for notification counts.
- Makes upload image buttons translatable.
- Improves alignment of form fields.
- Adds descriptions for breadcrumb and canonicals on category pages.
- Improves accessibility on plugin conflict notification links.
- Fixes a bug where a new post with focus keyword would show up as a post without a keyword on the dashboard.
- Fixes a bug that would break rich term descriptions with large images.
- Fixes cache check in dashboard widget, which could cause unnecessary queries.
- No longer load toolbar styles when toolbar is disabled.
- Fixes a bug to prevent "cannot modify headers" notice on export.
- Fixes a bug to improve passive voice recognition.
- Fixes a bug to improve sentence detection.
- Fixes a bug that prevented the markings from working correctly.
- Fixes a bug where select2 would generate a 404 on a non-supported language.
- Fixes a bug where HTML attributes could be translated.
- Fixes a bug where the
tag would be omitted.
- Fixes a bug for canonicals for search pages with empty search queries.